Sometimes Free Is Too Expensive !!!

This is AGLOCO™ 's proposition, just three words: 'Own the Internet'

Ever notice on the Internet that some people are making all the money (YouTube, Google, MySpace, eBay, Skype, etc.).

Whenever you are online, either surfing, blogging, clicking on an ad, making a purchase, all the money generated by your activities is pocketed by a small number of players. At AGLOCO™ they say not anymore!

AGLOCO™ is the first Internet based economic network, which enables you as a Member to Get your share of the Internet. Advertiser's, search companies, online merchants and other businesses currently pay lots of companies to deliver people like you to them for attention and commerce. With AGLOCO™ they will be paying YOUR company.

AGLOCO™ is also a global community of Internet users whose active Members can paid for all their online activity. As users, we usually get nothing – well I just joined AGLOCO and its sole purpose is to get its members their share of the value created on the Internet (that’s everything from search and advertising revenue to user-generated content sites).

You can check out the site to see how AGLOCO does it, but from my standpoint I just use the Internet the same as usual, and they work in the background to collect money for me.

Don't wait any longer. This is a win-win opportunity, and you’ll make it even more profitable for yourself when you start referring friends and relatives before others get to them!

Remember, this is all free, you don’t lose anything, all you have to do is sign up, download the Viewbar and that’s it. Build your network and refer friends, family and colleagues to AGLOCO™ and earn even more!

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“This is not a tale of it’s too good to be true,” said A.K Mavani, a member of AGLOCO’s development team. “You have nothing to lose by signing up to AGLOCO, but potentially a whole lot to gain.”

News Updates:

The Viewbar is currently slated for release between Monday April 2nd and Monday April 16th . Keep on top of all AGLOCO Updates at the company blog :